Thursday, October 17, 2019

SW7 spell casting events: Orionids Meteor Shower, New Moon & Halloween

Test the God of Gods. Order a spell that matches your need to make your request known,  so that the Great Spirit\'s miraculous power can be unleashed to resolve & satisfy your wish.   After Ordering our spell say this, The great spirit has blessed me and he will throw open the floodgates  of the cosmos and pour out such a blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. Blessed be you !!!   Meteor Shower              Oct 21-22.2019 New Moon                     Oct 28 2019 Halloween                     Oct 31.2019   Samhain                       Oct 31 to Nov 1 2019 Day of the Dead            Oct 31 to Nov 2 2019 Super Spell Castings Orionids Meteor Shower - Oct. 21st 2019 New Moon  -  Oct. 28th 2019 Halloween   - Oct. 31st 2019   Spells cast once within 24 hrs of order Followed by castings in the next 3 Super events. You get 3 Super Castings within a 30 day cycle Spells will be cast by Archmage Master. >> https://www

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